Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Notting Hill Movie (1999) - HD Trailer #1

Notting Hill is a Romantic comedy which is a light, entertaining film to watch. The key feature which is used to sell this film is the popular genre, Romance. The audience is an important part of a genre meaning that the viewer has to recognise the genre elements which they most prefer. Although there is so many Rom Com films out there, viewers never tire of seeing them and they are still increasingly popular. Another main addition to selling this film has to be the A list cast, Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts are the main characters. More Brit Rom-coms such as Love actually and Bridget Jones Diary also star Hugh Grant as he has become an iconic figure in this genre. The soundtrack of this film includes popular music and the typical British Rom Com location in London which appeals to the audience. It also features a reasonably accurate representation of stardom in the narrative and the way it portrays the press and paparazzi is very accurate which makes the film more realistic and believable. Another aspect of this film which sells itself to the audience is that it is a best selling novel meaning that as the novel is popular the film must be pretty decent. Also what sells this film to the audience from watching this trailer is the romance and chemistry between two very different types of people which makes the audience have the idea in their head that anyone can fall in love.

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