Lyndsey's media AS blog
Monday, 26 March 2012
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Question 7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Since completing my preliminary task I have learnt a lot of new skills which have helped me complete my thriller, an example is editing. When editing my preliminary task I struggled due to lack of experience and practise and developed a basic edit of my preliminary task. However, when editing my thriller after a lot of practise and asking a few questions on how to do particular things (eg: sound bridging) I began to feel a lot more confident with my editing skills. I was able to add special effects to my thriller like cross dissolves and compared to my preliminary tasks the edit was a lot more clear. However, without completing my preliminary task I would not have had basic editing skills which enabled me to improve with practice.
Another important element of doing my preliminary task which helped me in creating our thriller was shooting, as when shooting our thriller we learnt many things. For example continuity as we filmed different shots on different days we had to make sure that the actors in our thriller wore the same costume each time. This became an issue as on one occasion I wore a slightly different costume which would have ruined the continuity of our thriller. Also since doing our preliminary task my ability to plan effectively has improved as I have learnt how important it is when making our thriller. For example, making storyboards and creating a shot list was vital as it gave us an idea of what our idea will look like, however once filming our plan it didn't work out as expected due to the lack of suspense and tension the shots created. Our first idea for our thriller also didnt work out as we didnt stick to the original storyboard and ended up shooting random scenes. Therefore our final idea for our thriller worked out a lot better due to stronger planning and a shot list that we kept with us when shooting, enabling us to include the shots we wanted which were the most effective.
Working in a group was something we had to adapt to due to our differences in opinions and when we were all free to complete the shoot. We worked well in creating the idea of our thriller and giving everyone different responsibilities, for example choosing the different actors and deciding on what shot worked best for particular scenes. Some of our group made their own edit and me and another member of my group worked together on our edit to put together both of our ideas of what will look the most effective.
I have learned a lot from experimenting with different camera angles and finding out which were the most effective, our original thriller gave us practice and experience on what camera angles work best for this genre and which ones are inadequate. For example we overused mid shots which were dull and mediocre leaving no sense of suspense and tension, they also failed to intensify the action in the scenes. We also learnt the importance of close ups and how much more effective they were than mid shots due to how they position the audience closer with the action and enable them to see the characters emotions.
Here is an example of one of the shots which would have been more effective with a more adventurous camera angle. Although we had to create another thriller the making of our first one was a beneficial experience as it taught us the importance of particular camera shots/movement and action which interpret the thriller genre.
Our original shoot and edit of the opening to a new thriller film was a steep learning curve. We shot too many mid to long shots, the lighting was dreary and the action was unclear making no impact and resembling a home movie rather than a carefully planned professional opening to a thriller film. Due to this I learned the importance of tilt shots to connote a sense of confusion which raises tension which is effective in a thriller film. I also learned the importance of close ups to engage the audience with the action and raise suspense, they also enable the audience to notice the characters emotions.
The recent heavy snowfall was extremely helpful and gave us a great opportunity to film our thriller due to how it increased tension in the mise-en-scene and created visual pleasure for the audience. It allowed us to include dragging scenes of the body which created highly effective diegetic sound meaning we didn't need an overpowering soundtrack. However, after researching soundtrack and learning the importance of how it establishes the genre we finally found a soundtrack which created suspense without overpowering the scene.
I found out that finding a correct title for our thriller that links to the action is important as an over powering font can take over the scene and draw attention away from what's happening. For example we learned that having both words bright red looked too much like a title for a horror film and was too in your face, therefore we decided to change the font to match the thriller genre. I liked the idea of having a subtle font that wouldn't take too much attention away from the scenes.
Question 6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Before beginning Media Studies I had little knowledge on various technologies which are used to construct a film, for example editing software, digital cameras and camera movement. Therefore the process of constructing the final product was a learning curve for me and taught me a lot. First of all as I had little to no experience with using a digital camera I had to learn some basic skills which with practise made me more confident with using the camera. Due to researching other thriller films and discussing them in class, I learned the importance of different camera angles and what they connote as all camera angles portray a different emotion or sense.
From the process of constructing this product I also learned how to use a digital camera for shooting our thriller and how to transfer the footage onto a computer via the capturing cameras.
Using the editing software was a challenge for me at first due to lack of experience and practise, however through constructing this product I developed skills in editing that enabled me to make a clear edit. I learned the importance of sequencing shots and how to create a non-linear narrative instead of a chronological narrative through the use of cross dissolves. As our thriller included many flashbacks the use of cross dissolves was vital in achieving that effect so learning how to use effects on the editing program was crucial. Our film was captured through Premier elements which enabled us to use various effects and widen our editing skills.
Learning how to effectively use a blog to document my work was something I had to familiarise myself with. I learned how efficient it is in organising my work and adding images,video clips and presentations which I wouldn't be able to do on paper. Learning how to add labels to my blog also helped organise my work efficiently.
Using the website YouTube was of great importance when researching into the thriller genre due to the many clips I could access from various thrillers. Also, watching particular clips enabled me to study how directors utilise aspects of genre in their films whilst connoting aspects of psychopathic villains. For example in the film Jackie Brown the killing of Melanie where Louis suddenly shoots her in an ordinary car park shows his psychotic personality.
YouTube was also a very important website to have access to whilst researching into thrillers because it enabled me to identify intertextuality through soundtrack and character types. As being able to watch clips from different films and compare them on YouTube made it easy to do this. An example of two clips that i found through be able to use YouTube are Kill Bill 2 where the bride is buried alive and The Good the Bad and the Ugly. The character types are similar in both films as the Bride from Kill Bill is the good, Bill is the bad and Bud the ugly. Therefore I was able to post both of these clips onto my blog as evidence of intertextuality in films.
Accessing clips via YouTube also enabled me to access clips from films that taught me the importance of soundtrack to heighten tension and build suspense for the audience. An example from a film which relies on only sound and image is "Heavenly Creatures" where the soundtrack played throughout their walk shows lyricism which counteracts with the brutality of what happens in the finale, this therefore builds up tension of what's about to happen.Also as the location is somewhat glamorous with the sound of birds singing in the background it's suddenly turned into a rather diabolical place with the sounds of the girls screams.
Our film also relies on sound and image rather than dialogue due to the effective non-diegetic sound of the girl being dragged in the snow with the sound bridge of the phone ringing.
The website Internet Movie Database has very useful in researching various thrillers and finding information on them, for example the cast, director, plot and also user reviews. You can also access trailers and various clips from the film which was helpful as from that I could get screen shots from the film to add to my blog. Therefore IMDB has been vital part of doing research into thrillers and a useful tool to find out other thrillers as well, as you can search for thrillers and there is a top 50 thrillers list.
When researching into the target audience for our thriller Amazon was helpful in searching for other thrillers our audience would like. This is due to the fact that when you buy a DVD or other product from Amazon it shows what other online consumers would buy which are similar products.
Here is a clip from the film noir "Gilda" of Rita Hayworth singing Put the Shame on Mame showing an example of a traditional femme fatale. She is shown as a glamorous women who complicates the notion of femme fatale as she is not actually bad but makes her love interest Johnny believe that she is evil and manipulative.
Whereas, the trailer for "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" shows a more progressive representation of gender. The main female character isn't a passive character but is deviant and relies on glamour and a quirky fashion style. Her black clothes and make-up and masculine body represent reverse gender stereotypes.Therefore, Youtube has enabled me to gain more knowledge in generic representations and extend my understanding of the thriller genre.
From the process of constructing this product I also learned how to use a digital camera for shooting our thriller and how to transfer the footage onto a computer via the capturing cameras.
YouTube was also a very important website to have access to whilst researching into thrillers because it enabled me to identify intertextuality through soundtrack and character types. As being able to watch clips from different films and compare them on YouTube made it easy to do this. An example of two clips that i found through be able to use YouTube are Kill Bill 2 where the bride is buried alive and The Good the Bad and the Ugly. The character types are similar in both films as the Bride from Kill Bill is the good, Bill is the bad and Bud the ugly. Therefore I was able to post both of these clips onto my blog as evidence of intertextuality in films.
Accessing clips via YouTube also enabled me to access clips from films that taught me the importance of soundtrack to heighten tension and build suspense for the audience. An example from a film which relies on only sound and image is "Heavenly Creatures" where the soundtrack played throughout their walk shows lyricism which counteracts with the brutality of what happens in the finale, this therefore builds up tension of what's about to happen.Also as the location is somewhat glamorous with the sound of birds singing in the background it's suddenly turned into a rather diabolical place with the sounds of the girls screams.
Our film also relies on sound and image rather than dialogue due to the effective non-diegetic sound of the girl being dragged in the snow with the sound bridge of the phone ringing.
When researching into the target audience for our thriller Amazon was helpful in searching for other thrillers our audience would like. This is due to the fact that when you buy a DVD or other product from Amazon it shows what other online consumers would buy which are similar products.
Here is a clip from the film noir "Gilda" of Rita Hayworth singing Put the Shame on Mame showing an example of a traditional femme fatale. She is shown as a glamorous women who complicates the notion of femme fatale as she is not actually bad but makes her love interest Johnny believe that she is evil and manipulative.
Whereas, the trailer for "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" shows a more progressive representation of gender. The main female character isn't a passive character but is deviant and relies on glamour and a quirky fashion style. Her black clothes and make-up and masculine body represent reverse gender stereotypes.Therefore, Youtube has enabled me to gain more knowledge in generic representations and extend my understanding of the thriller genre.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Question 2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?
This references the dominant and powerful male characters in "Once Upon a Time in America" where they shoot a female character, leaving her dead. This is also shown in our thriller were the male characters team up to murder the female character, however it is unclear as to who actually murdered her.Therefore, our thriller portrays women as unable to protect themselves showing that they are weak compared to men. This attitude towards women has been challenged in other thrillers, for example "Thelma and Louise" where Louise shoots the rapist red neck Harlem. Ridley Scott therefore challenges the passive representation of women in this thriller,so instead of showing them as unable to protect themselves he shows them as more powerful and just as violent and strong as men.
The actors in our thriller are made up of only teenagers, representing youth crime and addressing some of the problems associating with the youths of today. The two youths who are thought to be associated with Tiffany's murder both young males ages 16-17.
Whereas Tiffany's costume suggests she is from a middle class background due to her contemporary high street fashion of a bright orange duffel coat which you could buy from high street shops such as Topshop. The red connotes danger signifying the danger she is in, this references to the film "Schindlers List" where the little girl's red coat is the only colour in the scene making her stand out from the crowd. This suggests that Tiffany is singled out from society, this could be why she got to where she is now.
Ambiguity and a sense of enigma is surrounding the two male characters in our thriller due to the question of who really committed the crime? Peter has a spilt personality as at one point he is shown caring for Tiffany and holding her arm as if he does have empathy. However, the fact she is in her bath poses the question of was he behind the whole thing? Peter's psychotic behaviour relates to the murderer Louis from "Jackie Brown" as one minute he is having a fairly normal conversation with a female character Melanie in a car park, then suddenly she is shot dead by him. Also, as it is in a normal environment where anyone can witness what's happening this shows that if he's in the wrong frame of mind he will show murderous behaviour without really thinking about it.
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