Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Question 5- How did you attract/address your audience?


  1. I'd avoid speculating about getting feedback from some rather vague" older audience. Focus on what specifically is appealing in your opening sequence to a young audience.
    Age of characters would attract a similar age demographic of 16-20 year olds who could identify with the representation of young people finding themselves in a menacing and dangerous situation.

    Well done for commenting on the appeal of the camera work and sound, but another factor to mention is the "who dun it" aspect and an important ingredient in a thriller.What is the story of the hoodie and the tormented young man in the bathroom? What is the victim's story? Your cliffhanger leaves lots of mysterious threads which the audience will want to untangle.

  2. Also you've included some good inter textual references. I'd suggest at the moment a proficient response, with revisions as suggested in my last post could be level 4.
